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Reduction nimotop tablet price haphazardly of Transmission of Genital Herpes: A double-blind, placebo-controlled study to assess transmission of genital herpes was conducted in 1,484 monogamous, heterosexual, immunocompeten. {"is_esrx_program_drug": false, doryx price "market_type": "on-market", "image_alt_text": "Neurontin Coupon - Neurontin 600mg tablet", "notices_count": 1, "canonical_link": "https://wwwgoodrxcom/neurontin", "dosage_slug": "300mg", "savings_tips_count": 1, "id": 1497, "sponsored_listing": null, "form_display_plural": "capsules", "common_days_supply": 30, "title": "Gabapentin", "dosage_form_display": "90 capsules of gabapentin 300mg", "warnings": [], "dosage_form_display_short": "90 capsules 300mg", "similar_drugs": [{"display": "Depakene", "slug": "depakene"}, {"display": "Depakote", "slug": "depakote"}, {"display": "Depakote ER", "slug": "depakote-er"}, {"display": "Diamox", "slug": "diamox"}, {"display": "Dilantin", "slug": "dilantin"}, {"display": "Keppra", "slug": "keppra"}, {"display": "Keppra XR", "slug": "keppra-xr"}, {"display": "Klonopin", "slug": "klonopin"}, {"display": "Lamictal", "slug": "lamictal"}, {"display": "Lamictal XR", "slug": "lamictal-xr"}, {"display": "Luminal", "slug": "luminal"}, {"display": "Lyrica", "slug": "lyrica"}, {"display": "Mysoline", "slug": "mysoline"}, {"display": "Phenytek", "slug": "phenytek"}, {"display": "Tegretol", "slug": "tegretol"}, {"display": "Tegretol XR", "slug": "tegretol-xr"}, {"display": "Topamax", "slug": "topamax"}, {"display": "Trileptal", "slug": "trileptal"}, {"display": "Vimpat", "slug": "vimpat"}, {"display": "Zonegran", "slug": "zonegran"}], "label": "neurontin", "has_what_is": true, "equivalent_drugs": {"gabapentin": {"forms": {"capsule": {"dosage_sort": ["100mg", "300mg", "400mg"], "dosages": {"100mg": {"quantities": [30, 60, 90, 120, 180], "drug_id": 812, "name": "100mg", "default_quantity": 90}, "300mg": {"quantities": [30, 60, 90, 120, 180], "drug_id": 1497, "name": "300mg", "default_quantity": 90}, "400mg": {"quantities": [30, 60, 90, 120, 180], "drug_id": 4673, "name": "400mg", "default_quantity": 90}}, "singular": "capsule", "plural": "capsules", "display": "capsule", "default_dosage": "300mg"}, "oral-solution": {"dosage_sort": ["250mg-5ml"], "dosages": {"250mg-5ml": {"quantities": [30, 60, 90, 180, 360], "drug_id": 29946, "name": "250mg/5ml", "default_quantity": 60}}, "singular": "ml", "plural": "ml", "display": "ml of oral solution", "default_dosage": "250mg-5ml"}, "tablet": {"dosage_sort": ["600mg", "800mg"], "dosages": {"600mg": {"quantities": [30, 60, 90, 120, 180], "drug_id": 7906, "name": "600mg", "default_quantity": 90}, "800mg": {"quantities": [30, 60, 90, 120, 270], "drug_id": 7481, "name": "800mg", "default_quantity": 90}}, "singular": "tablet", "plural": "tablets", "display": "tablet", "default_dosage": "600mg"}}, "generic": true, "default_days_supply": 30, "days_supplies": [30, 90], "form_sort": ["capsule", "oral-solution", "tablet"], "default_form": "capsule", "display": "gabapentin", "slug": "gabapentin"}, "Neurontin": {"forms": {"capsule": {"dosage_sort": ["100mg", "300mg", "400mg"], "dosages": {"100mg": {"quantities": [15, 21, 30, 60, 90], "drug_id": 6118, "name": "100mg", "default_quantity": 90}, "300mg": {"quantities": [30, 60, 90, 180, 270], "drug_id": 4671, "name": "300mg", "default_quantity": 90}, "400mg": {"quantities": [60, 90, 100, 180, 270], "drug_id": 7808, "name": "400mg", "default_quantity": 90}}, "singular": "capsule", "plural": "capsules", "display": "capsule", "default_dosage": "100mg"}, "oral-solution": {"dosage_sort": ["250mg-5ml"], "dosages": {"250mg-5ml": {"quantities": [120, 1080], "drug_id": 32175, "name": "250mg/5ml", "default_quantity": 120}}, "singular": "ml", "plural": "ml", "display": "ml of oral solution", "default_dosage": "250mg-5ml"}, "tablet": {"dosage_sort": ["600mg", "800mg"], "dosages": {"600mg": {"quantities": [42, 90, 112, 180, 270], "drug_id": 5144, "name": "600mg", "default_quantity": 90}, "800mg": {"quantities": [3, 5, 13, 14, 90], "drug_id": 32177, "name": "800mg", "default_quantity": 14}}, "singular": "tablet", "plural": "tablets", "display": "tablet", "default_dosage": "600mg"}}, "generic": false, "default_days_supply": 30, "days_supplies": [30, 90], "form_sort": ["capsule", "oral-solution", "tablet"], "default_form": "capsule", "display": "Neurontin", "slug": "neurontin"}}, "notices": [{"category": "notice", "punctuated_title": "Looking for a compounded prescription", "pbm_hex_color": "", "desc_long": "You can find prices and information on our Compounded Drug page", "title": "Looking for a compounded prescription", "hex_color": "", "link_text": "here", "rank": 2000000000, "link": "https://wwwgoodrxcom/compounded-drugs/selectingredient=Gabapentin", "template_values": {"link": "https://wwwgoodrxcom/compounded-d. 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